

Strawberries belong to the Fragaria genus of plant from the family Rosaceae (Fragaria × ananassa). In actuality, strawberries are a hybrid species of fruit where the flesh or fruit portion grows out of the ovary receptacle instead of the ovary itself. Because of this growth pattern, strawberries are not considered true berries. Strawberries are a popular and nutritious fruit enjoyed by people of all ages around the World.

Strawberry Plants

Strawberries are cultivated and enjoyed worldwide for their delicious taste and versatility in culinary applications. As one of the more adaptable fruit varieties, strawberries are grown throughout the world especially in the sunnier climates.

The strawberry plant is a herbaceous perennial that produces runners, or stolons, which allow it to propagate and spread across the ground. Formed inside separate carpels of each flower, strawberries fall within the aggregate fruit category much like blackberries and raspberries.

Strawberries are one of the most popular types of fruit in the world. They are known for their vibrant red color, sweet flavor and juicy texture.

With over 600 varieties of strawberries, this fruit comes in all different sizes, flavours and textures. Strawberries are typically small to medium-sized, with a conical shape and numerous tiny seeds embedded on their surface.

Active Ingredients in Strawberry Fruits

Strawberry fruit is chocked full of vital nutrients yet only contains 55 calories per cup measure. Nutritionally, strawberries are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese and folate, as well as dietary fiber.

On average, eight strawberries can provide nearly 120% of the recommended daily intake for vitamin C. This high vitamin C content contributes to the antioxidant effects strawberries have. Other ingredients, known as phytochemicals carry even higher levels of antioxidant compounds than the vitamin C content offers. Strawberries contain several categories of phytochemicals, some of which include:

  • Ellagic acid
  • Anthocyanins
  • Pterostilbene

Antioxidants in general help protect cells from damaging free radical materials by strengthening cell structures. The anthocyanins in particular are what give red strawberries their ruby red color.

High Fiber Content of Strawberries

As an aggregate fruit, a strawberry consists of tiny single fruits contained inside a fleshy receptacle. The tiny white (or yellow) specks found on the outside of the berry, that most people consider as seeds, are the actual fruit portion while the tasty portion is the fleshy receptacle. These seed-like specks, also known as achenes, account for the high fiber content found in strawberries.

Strawberries have around 200 seeds each, regardless of their actual size. For food comparison purposes, this means a half cup of strawberries has more fiber content than a slice of whole wheat bread.

Health Benefits of Strawberries

Various cultures use strawberries to treat a range of health conditions. Consuming strawberries as part of a balanced diet may offer various health benefits, including; improved heart health, enhanced immune function and reduced inflammation.

Below we will explore some of these health benefits in more detail:

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Strawberries

Chronic inflammation is a known precursor to many types of disease conditions, such as type-2 diabetes, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s. The British Journal of Nutrition describes a study on the effects of strawberries on the body’s inflammation and insulin responses in adults. The results from the study showed strawberries to lower the body’s level of inflammation biomarkers by 25 percent in 24 overweight adults.

Researchers concluded that a diet containing daily portions of strawberries may help reduce the risk of developing inflammation-related conditions.

Heart Health Benefits of Strawberries

Their combined antioxidant properties and high fiber content make strawberries a strong ally in the fight against heart disease. As antioxidants help promote healthy cell function, cells are better able to move nutrient materials in and waste materials out. With high amounts of fiber, blood vessels remain smooth and free of fatty blockages which are known to slow blood flow and deprive the heart of needed blood supplies.

These same effects from strawberries also lower the risk of high blood pressure since it takes less work for the heart to move blood throughout the body.

Anti-Aging Properties of Strawberries

Strawberry extracts contain high levels of enzyme materials which help cells fight against the body’s aging process. In general, aging results from oxidative stress caused by weakened cell functions. Oxidative stress occurs when cells become unable to eliminate waste materials created during cell metabolism processes.

A study conducted by Tufts University and the University of Maryland tested the effects of strawberry extracts on rats exposed to radioactive energy, which affects cells in much the same way as waste materials. The results of the study showed the rats receiving strawberry extract suffered fewer aging effects in terms of cognitive functions and motor skills.

Strawberry Leaves and Roots

As well as strawberry fruits being consumed, the leaves and roots can also be used medicinally. Within Native American cultures and European folk medicine, the root and leaves of the strawberry are boiled to make into a herbal tea. This tea can be used to treat; diarrhoea, indigestion, kidney stones, as a diuretic, for urinary tract infections, night sweats and fatigue.

How to Consume Strawberries

Of course the main way to consume strawberries is to eat them as tasty, fresh fruit. Strawberries can be eaten fresh as a snack, added to salads, desserts, and smoothies, or used to make jams, sauces and baked goods.

For anyone considering strawberries as a supplement within their daily diet, this fruit can be prepared in many ways, each of which may produce different effects.

As mentioned above, the leaves and roots can be boiled to make into a herbal tea.

Strawberry extracts are also available in tincture form, which can be added to water in droplets. Extracts may also come in capsule form of up to 500 milligrams per capsule.

Always take care when taking herbs and Read Our Disclaimer.

Strawberries Notes / Side Effects

Strawberries are generally safe for most people to consume and offer numerous health benefits due to their rich nutritional profile. However, some individuals may experience adverse reactions or side effects from consuming strawberries, particularly in certain circumstances:

Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to strawberries, experiencing symptoms such as itching, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, difficulty breathing, or in severe cases, anaphylaxis. People with known allergies to other fruits in the Rosaceae family (such as peaches or apples) may be at a higher risk of strawberry allergy.

Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS): People with pollen allergies, particularly to birch pollen, may experience cross-reactivity with certain fruits, including strawberries. This can lead to symptoms such as itching or tingling in the mouth, throat, or lips after consuming strawberries.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort or digestive issues after consuming strawberries, particularly if eaten in large quantities or if they have a sensitive digestive system. Symptoms may include bloating, gas, diarrhea, or stomach pain.

Pesticide Residues: Conventionally grown strawberries may contain pesticide residues, which could potentially pose health risks, especially if consumed in large amounts over time. Washing strawberries thoroughly before consumption or choosing organic strawberries may help reduce exposure to pesticide residues.

Interactions with Medications: Some medications, such as blood thinners (e.g., warfarin) or certain medications for high blood pressure, may interact with components found in strawberries, particularly vitamin K and potassium. Individuals taking these medications should consult with their healthcare provider regarding potential interactions.

It’s essential to note that these side effects are relatively rare, and most people can safely enjoy strawberries as part of a balanced diet. However, individuals with known allergies or sensitivities to strawberries should avoid consuming them or use caution. If you experience severe or concerning symptoms after eating strawberries, seek medical attention promptly.

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