

Onions, Allium cepa, are edible bulb vegetables belonging to the Allium genus, which also includes garlic, leeks and chives. They are widely used in culinary applications worldwide for their pungent flavor and aromatic properties. Onions come in various colors, including white, yellow and red/purple. They can be consumed raw, cooked or powdered and used as a spice to add flavor to a wide range of dishes.

Active Ingredients in Onions

Onions are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, fiber and various antioxidants, making them not only flavorful but also nutritious additions to meals.

Health Benefits of Onions

One of the reasons that onion supplements have become so popular is because of their health benefits.

Below are some of the potential benefits that can be reaped from onions:

Onions Help to Regulate Blood Sugar

Onions contain an element called chromium. Chromium has been shown to help keep blood sugar within the healthy range. Therefore, onions can help a person maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Onions can also lower blood sugar in people who have already been diagnosed with diabetes.

Onions can Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the factors that puts people at risk for developing heart disease. Onions contain quercetin, which is an antioxidant that has been shown to help lower cholesterol. Not only does quercetin help lower total cholesterol, but it also raises HDL. HDL helps clear plaque out of the arteries, which is why it is also known as the good cholesterol.

Onions can Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a problem that affects thirty percent of adults in the United States. It is considered one of the top heart disease risk factors. Onions can help prevent the arteries from hardening and have been shown to make the arteries more elastic, which in turn will help lower blood pressure naturally.

Onions can Lower the Risk of Blood Clots

Blood clots are another major health problem. If a person develops a blood clot in one of the arteries that lead to the heart or brain, then he or she can develop a blood clot. The quercetin in onions has been shown to protect against blood clots.

Onions for Cancer Prevention

Onions are rich in sulfides, which can potentially prevent tumors from growing. Vidalia onions are grown in central Georgia. This area has a stomach cancer mortality rate that is one-half the national average for the United States. Greece is another place where people consume onions in abundance. Researchers have also found that people in these countries have lower rates of stomach cancer.

Additionally, there was another study done that compared elderly Dutch men and women. One group of people ate half of an onion every day whereas the other group did not eat onions at all. The results of the study showed that the people who ate half of an onion were 40 percent less likely to develop stomach cancer than people who did not consume any onions.

Anti-inflammatory Effects of Onions

Inflammatory is a natural response. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it can cause a number of health problems. Heart disease, gum disease and cancer are some of the conditions that have been linked to inflammation. Onions are filled with antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation.

Onions can Improve Oral Health

Onions are known to cause bad breath, so it may sound strange that they can actually help improve oral health. However, onions can help reduce the bacteria in the mouth that can cause tooth decay.

Onions can Help to Alleviate Sinus Problems

Many people suffer from sinus problems during the fall and spring months. Onions can help alleviate sinus problems by loosening the mucus in the nose. Additionally, onions can be used to treat other infections, including bronchitis and ear earaches.

Onion Supplements

Onions are of course most often eaten cooked or raw. Onion can also be used to make supplements. It is available in the form of a powdered spice, as a capsule or in a topical cream.

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Onions Notes / Side Effects

Onion supplements offer a number of health benefits but it may be wise to check with your doctor if you are diabetic or have blood clotting issues. Onion supplements can interfere with medications that are used to treat diabetes. They can also interfere with anticoagulants, which are medications that are used to prevent blood clots from forming.

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