Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, is a perennial plant native to the mountainous regions of East Asia, including China, Korea, and Siberia. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and has an almost magical reputation for its ability to promote health, general body vigour, prolong life and treat many ailments.

Origins of Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng has a history of herbal use going back over 5,000 years. It is one of the most highly regarded of herbal medicines in the Orient, where it has gained an almost magical reputation for being able to promote health, general body vigour and also to prolong life. The genus name Panax is derived from the Greek word meaning “panacea” or “all-healing”; the species ginseng is said to mean “wonder of the world”. Both terms refer to the medicinal virtues of the plant. In the last decade it has gained popularity in the West and there is extensive literature on the beneficial effects of ginseng and its constituents.

The Asian Ginseng Plant

Asian Ginseng is a slow-growing herbaceous plant that typically reaches a height of 30–60 cm and features compound leaves with serrated edges. It produces small, yellow-green flowers in the summer, followed by red berries in the fall. The plant’s root, which resembles the shape of a human body, is the most valued part for medicinal purposes.

Health Benefits of Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng has been studied for its potential therapeutic effects on a wide range of health conditions. The root of Asian ginseng is the part of the plant used in traditional medicine. It is considered an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and restore balance. It is therefore widely used as a health tonic.

Asian Ginseng works well when combined with Ginkgo biloba.

Asian Ginseng Studies

In Western herbal medicine, Panax Ginseng’s regulating effects on the immune system have been studied for potential effectiveness in preventing colds, flu and some forms of cancer.

Ginseng appears to relieve stress, increase sexual activity and facilitate mating in laboratory animals. The herb has been reported to be effective in prolonging survival time during cardiac arrest. It is also reported to show hypoglycemic activity.

We will make various other references to Ginseng studies below, in relation to specific health benefits.

Active Compounds in Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng contains bioactive compounds called ginsenosides, which are believed to be responsible for many of its health benefits. These ginsenosides exhibit various pharmacological effects including; anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties. Ginsenosides are a diverse group of steroidal saponins which demonstrate the ability to target a myriad of tissues, producing an array of pharmacological responses. However, many mechanisms of ginsenoside activity still remain unknown.

Since ginsenosides and other constituents of ginseng produce effects that are different from one another, and a single ginsenoside initiates multiple actions in the same tissue, the overall pharmacology of ginseng is remains remarkably complex and esoteric.

Though there are many kinds of Ginseng’s in the World, they cannot rival Asian Ginseng in ingredients and medicinal effects. Asian Ginseng contains as many as 29 different ginsenosides whilst American and Siberian Ginseng contain only 8 – 9 ginsenosides.

Panax Ginseng is different from both American Ginseng and Eleuthero (formerly Siberian ginseng). They are not interchangeable.

Asian Ginseng to Protect Against Dioxins

Asian Ginseng has also been identified to protect the testis against 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-di-benzo-di-p-DIOXIN inducing testicular damage. This particular dioxin is the most dangerous of perhaps the most toxic chemical group known to science. Dioxins are known to cause cancer in humans.

Asian Ginseng Fights Viral Infections

Asian Ginseng can boost the body’s defenses against infections. It possess immunomodulatory properties, meaning it can help regulate and enhance the immune system’s response to infections. Research has shown that Ginseng may have the ability to act as an “adaptogen”, prolonging life by combating viral infections and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections.

Asian Ginseng’s active compounds, such as ginsenosides, boost immune function by stimulating the production and activity of immune cells like white blood cells. Additionally, Asian ginseng acts as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation which can weaken the immune system. It also enhances the body’s resistance to stress, indirectly supporting immune function. Asian ginseng may have direct antiviral and antibacterial effects, inhibiting the replication of viruses and the growth of bacteria.

Asian Ginseng Supports Anti-Cancer Treatments

Research continues to support Ginseng’s protective role against anti-cancer treatments and drugs, perhaps even countering the side effects of chemotherapy. may support cancer treatment by enhancing immune function, reducing treatment-related side effects, exerting potential anticancer effects, and improving quality of life for patients. Its bioactive compounds, such as ginsenosides, modulate the immune system, alleviate treatment side effects like fatigue and nausea, and possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help mitigate cancer-related inflammation and oxidative stress.

While more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and benefits in cancer treatment, Asian ginseng shows promise as a complementary therapy when integrated into cancer care under medical supervision. may support cancer treatment through several mechanisms. It has compounds like ginsenosides that can enhance immune function, potentially aiding in cancer cell recognition and destruction. Additionally, its adaptogenic properties help alleviate treatment-related side effects like fatigue and nausea, improving quality of life during therapy. Asian ginseng’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects may mitigate inflammation and oxidative damage associated with cancer, while some studies suggest it may directly inhibit tumor growth and metastasis.

Asian Ginseng to Help Prevent Substance Abuse

There is some evidence that Ginseng may be useful for the prevention of abuse and dependence of opioids and psycho-stimulants. Ginseng, particularly Asian and American varieties, may aid individuals recovering from substance abuse by reducing stress, improving cognitive function, boosting energy levels, promoting mood balance, enhancing physical health, and potentially offering neuroprotective effects. However, its use should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan and under medical supervision. Individual responses may vary, so consulting with a healthcare professional is essential before incorporating ginseng into a recovery program.

Asian Ginseng Reduces Stress

Asian Ginseng is valued for its ability to reduce stress and promote well-being. Ginseng has been used to both stimulate and relax the nervous system. It increases capillary circulation in the brain and decreases the effects of stress. It achieves this by regulating stress hormones, enhancing resilience, improving cognitive function, regulating mood, combating oxidative stress and inflammation, and boosting energy levels. With its adaptogenic properties, Asian Ginseng helps the body cope with stressors more effectively, leading to improved overall health and resilience.

Anti-Aging Effects of Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng contains anti-ageing substances such as antioxidants and insulin-like substances which are not found in any other type of ginseng. Rich in antioxidants, it fights oxidative stress and promotes collagen synthesis, improving skin elasticity and texture. Ginseng supports skin hydration, reduces inflammation, and aids in cellular regeneration, contributing to a youthful complexion. Additionally, it helps manage stress, supports cognitive function, and boosts energy levels, promoting overall well-being and vitality. Incorporating ginseng into a balanced lifestyle may help individuals maintain a youthful appearance and vitality as they age.

Asian Ginseng Lowers Blood Sugar and Cholesterol

In clinical studies, Panax ginseng has been shown to lower blood levels of both sugar and cholesterol, therefore it may help treat type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Ginseng demonstrates potential in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels through various mechanisms. Its active compounds, like ginsenosides, promote vasodilation, nitric oxide production and antioxidant activity, contributing to improved blood vessel function and reduced oxidative stress.

Ginseng may also regulate cholesterol by inhibiting absorption and synthesis while enhancing LDL receptor expression. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory effects and ability to reduce stress levels further support cardiovascular health. However, more research is needed to understand the full extent of these benefits and determine optimal dosages. Consulting a healthcare professional before using Asian ginseng is advisable, particularly for individuals with existing health conditions or those taking medications.

Asian Ginseng to Help With Lung Conditions

Asian Ginseng holds potential in supporting lung health and managing respiratory conditions. In separate studies of laboratory animals and humans, Panax ginseng had a relaxing effect on muscles in the lungs. The resulting airway expansion may help relieve asthma symptoms and other lung conditions that result from constricted airways. Its anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory, immune-modulating, and antioxidant properties may help reduce inflammation, improve airflow, boost immune function, and protect lung tissue from oxidative damage.

Additionally, its adaptogenic nature can help reduce stress levels and enhance exercise tolerance, further supporting lung function. While promising, more research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of Asian ginseng in clinical settings. Consulting a healthcare professional before using Asian ginseng for lung conditions is advisable, especially for individuals with existing health concerns or taking medications.

Asian Ginseng Boosts Memory

Asian Ginseng offers potential benefits for memory and brain health through various mechanisms. Its active compounds, such as ginsenosides, promote neuroprotection, enhance blood flow to the brain and exert antioxidant effects, guarding against cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, ginseng helps reduce stress, regulate mood, and boost energy levels, contributing to improved cognitive function and memory performance. While promising, further research is needed to determine optimal dosages and efficacy for cognitive benefits.

In studies, a combination of Panax ginseng and Gingko biloba is believed to boost memory and thinking processes. Early results from laboratory study may show that chemicals in Panax Ginseng promote the growth of blood vessels, which could be valuable in improving brain health as well as treating injuries in other parts of the body

German Commission E monograph and WHO support the use of Ginseng as a prophylactic and restorative agent for enhancement of mental and physical capacities, in cases of weakness, exhaustion, tiredness, and loss of concentration, and during convalescence (WHO, 1999).

How to Take Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng is available in various forms including raw or dried roots, powdered extracts, capsules, tablets, teas and tonics. It is often consumed as a dietary supplement or incorporated into herbal formulations in traditional medicine practices.

Where to Buy

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Ginseng Herb Notes / Side Effects

Ginseng should not be taken, without prior consultation with a doctor, if you:
* Are pregnant or breast-feeding
* Have diabetes
* Have high blood pressure

or are taking:
* Anti-coagulants
* Diabetic medicine
* Diuretics
* Heart medicine
* Hormone replacement therapy
* Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
* Nervous system stimulants
* Pain killers

Consuming large amounts of caffeine or other stimulants while taking Ginseng can result in nervousness, sleeplessness, elevated blood pressure and other complications.

Avoid Ginseng if you have an acute illness, uncontrolled high blood pressure, an irregular heart rhythm or if you are pregnant.

Higher than commonly recommended doses may cause nervousness, insomnia, headache, skin eruptions, stomach upset, and increased menstrual bleeding and breast tenderness. If you experience any of these reactions, reduce your dose or stop taking the herb.

Latin Name

Panax ginseng

Common Names

Asian Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng, Guigai, Jilin Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, Korean Red Ginseng, Ninjin, Oriental Ginseng, Panax schinseng, Red Ginseng, Ren Shen, Seng, Shen Lu, Shen Ts’Ao, Tane-Ninzin

Properties of Asian Ginseng

Adaptogen, alterative, auto-immune stimulant, anti-tumour, anti-viral, aphrodisiac, carminative, demulcent, emetic, expectorant, nervine, phagocytic, psychotropic, somnogenic, stimulant, stomachic, tonic. anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, immunomodulatory

Asian Ginseng is Indicated for:

Atherosclerosis, adrenal insufficiency, ageing, anaemia, cancer, chronic illness, depression, regulate blood sugar levels (diabetes), dyspepsia, effects of radiation, effects of morphine and cocaine use, encouraging proper hormonal function, heart problems, hypertension, impotence, increasing energy, infertility, inflammation, improving abstract thinking, reaction times and mental awareness, improving lipid levels, improving nerve growth, increasing life expectancy, increasing resistance to disease, insomnia, internal degeneration, lowering cholesterol, mental well-being, nausea, nervousness, periodontal disease, physical well-being, poor memory, poor circulation, fight pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, pulmonary problems, relaxing the nervous system, regulating menses, shock, stress (environmental, physical and mental), stimulating appetite, tiredness, tumours, ulcers, vaginal dryness, viral infections, vomiting, weakness, improve cognitive function, reduce fatigue, increase stamina and enhance physical performance, support immune function and enhance vitality, fatigue, internal degeneration, nausea and vomiting, tumours, pulmonary problems, nervousness, ulcers, anaemia, cancer, hypertension, insomnia, shock, effects of radiation, effects of morphine and cocaine use, environmental, physical and mental stress, chronic illness, stimulant, promote endurance, increase life expectancy, relax the nervous system, improve mental awareness, encourage proper hormonal functions, improve lipid levels, lower cholesterol, improve nerve growth, increase resistance to disease, increase appetite, increase bodily energy, regulate menses, ease childbirth, increase fertility of women, treat periodontal disease.

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