Collagen. Molecular structure.


Collagen is a substance that is naturally produced by the body. It is a protein that serves as a key structural component in various connective tissues in the body, including; skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. It is the most abundant protein in mammals, accounting for about one-third of the body’s total protein content.

However, the production of this substance diminishes as people grow older. The results of the low production include wrinkles, thinning skin and brittle hair among others. There are a number of collagen supplements available in the market that can restore the amount of collagen in the body. Many individuals use collagen supplements to reduce lines or wrinkles.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein found in connective tissues of the body. It is significant in making certain parts of the body, such as skin and nails, strong and supple, and is also an important factor in joint health.

Structure of Collagen

Collagen is a structural protein found in the connective tissues of the body. It has a unique triple helix structure, composed of three polypeptide chains which coil by intertwining like a rope to form tropocollagen. These chains are rich in amino acids, especially glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, which contribute to collagen’s strength and stability.

Collagen molecules then bind together to form fibrils, Many fibrils then bind together form collagen fibres. These fibres provide strength and support to various tissues, including skin, tendons and bones, making collagen a crucial component for the body’s structural integrity and elasticity.

How Collagen Works

Collagen is a form of fibrous protein that is normally present in the bodies of humans and even mammals. It provides a supportive structure for various body tissues such as muscles, bones and ligaments and prevents them from falling apart. It works with another compound called Elastin to provide strength and firmness to the tissues.

Collagen also works to keep the skin looking firm, tight, flexible and youthful looking. Young people naturally produce more collagen than older people. With age, the collagen in the body breaks down leading to wrinkles and folds around the mouth. As such, collagen stimulation leads to a more youthful looking skin. The substance has been used for a long time in combating signs of aging.

Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Many people take collagen supplements because of the substantial health benefits it has on the body, as discussed below:

Collagen can Help with Joints and Arthritis

Collagen can assist individuals with arthritis and other illnesses affecting the joints or bones by helping to increase mobility and reduce pain.

Various studies indicate that chicken collagen supplements can be effective in the treatment of pain, swelling as well as stiffness around joints. This type of collagen is mostly used by people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Studies also indicate that collagen supplements used with protein and amino acids supplements help in improving mobility and flexibility in athletes.

Collagen for Skin, Hair and Nails

Collagen is also believed to improve the appearance of the skin, nails and hair. There are various topical skin products containing collagen that are available for enhancing the look and health of hair, skin and nails.

Collagen in Plastic Surgery

Collagen works to reduce the signs of aging by plumping up the skin, making it firm and flexible due to the fibrous and stable structure of the substance. Many plastic surgeons use the substance to give their clients a youthful appearance.

In this case, the collagen is injected directly to the skin in the areas with depressions created by wrinkles. The collagen plumps up the wrinkles making them less noticeable. The collagen injections may last up to six months after which one has to go through the same procedure to refill wrinkles. The procedure may take a few hours or minutes depending on the extent of wrinkles.

How to Take Collagen

Collagen supplements come in various forms. One of the most common is called Gelatin. For a long time Gelatin has been used in collagen replacement and has been thought to strengthen nails and hair.

Individuals suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis often take collagen supplements to replace collagen in the joints. The collagen supplements mostly used in such a case has chicken collagen as an active ingredient. There are also collagen creams that are applied to the skin to help reduce wrinkles and lines.

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Collagen Side Effects

The side effects of taking collagen supplements vary depending on what type of collagen supplement has been used. Collagen creams will have a substantial effect on the wallet and not on the face or skin.

Oral collagen supplements will only pose a danger if one has food sensitivities; most collagen supplements are made from products obtained from cows or chickens.

Collagen injections may produce certain side-effects on individuals with allergic reactions to injections. However, tests are normally done before the injection to determine if the person has this kind of allergy.

Those with auto-immune disorders such as herpes simplex may experience a flare-up because the body is reacting to the new substance.

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